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Feature Articles

ICOMS Asset Management Conference, Adelaide 2010

Key notes, speakers, sponsors are currently being confirmed; check out the latest update on page 3

New Staff Member

The Asset Management Council Secretariat is delighted to welcome its newest member to the team – Jo Shuttleworth…

2010 Asset Management Awards deadline today

The Asset Management Awards Intention to Submit Form is due today, Friday 26 February 2010…

Corporate GOLD Profile

Rylson Pty Ltd is an internationally recognised provider of engineering, logistics and consultancy services to industry…

Monthly Profile

This month, we profile Stewart Lawrence, Melbourne Chapter Chair…

Step 5: Begin to close the ‘gaps’

Now with the Asset Management knowledge and an idea of how it can apply to an organisation, people are ready to implement its practices and processes in specific areas…

Standard for Asset Management Forum to be held at 2010 ICOMS Conference

Australia’s participation in the development of an international standard for asset management sees a team of representatives from peak Australian bodies forming an ‘Australian Development Team’…

Introducing the Asset Management Council Chapter Chairs

Ever wondered who is behind the scenes, volunteering their expertise and time, to help the Asset Management Council provide quality services to its members and industry community?