AMBOK-webOne technical resource tool now available for members in our Members-only area of the website is our official publication – Framework for Asset Management Body of Knowledge.

Framework for Asset Management Body of Knowledge – Introduction

The definition and the models serve two vital purposes for the Asset Management Council, namely to provide:

  • The Asset Management Council with a consistent framework for the development, provision, maintenance and improvement of all delivered services; and
  • The asset management community with a concise picture of the Principles, Concepts and Processes of physical Asset Management.

The models together with the definition of Asset Management, the Asset Management Council vision, values and code of ethics provide the governance framework for the activities of the Asset Management Council.

The business activities of the Asset Management Council involve the processing of a range of inputs and demands to develop a range of outputs for the asset management community, namely:

  • Inputs – standards, technical writings, stakeholder requirements; and
  • Outputs – such as AMBoK, training, certification, awards, building individual and organisational capabilities (establish, verify, improve, lead), conferences, forums.


3……….. Introduction
4……….. Key Terms
5……….. Asset Management Definition
6……….. Asset Capability Concept Model
6 A Process
7 A Set of Key Principles
9 Culture and Leadership
11……… Asset Capability Delivery Model
11 Demand Management
13 Systems Engineering
17 Configuration Management
18 Acquisition
20 Operations and Maintenance
23 Continuous Improvement
24 Business Management
25 Culture and Leadership
28……… Bibliography
30……… Abbreviations
32……… Mapping to the Asset Management Landscape
32 Demand Management
32 Systems Engineering
33 Configuration Management
33 Acquisition
33 Operations and Maintenance
34 Continuous Improvement
34 Business Management
34 Culture and Leadership

How do I access the Framework for Asset Management Body of Knowledge publication?

Go to the AMBoK section of our website here.

Alternatively, if you are member log in here.