AM Council is excited to announce Dr Zachary Fitz-Walter as a key note speaker at the AMPEAK conference.

Dr Fitz-Walter is a gamification geek and lecturer at the Games Research and Interaction Design (GRID) Lab, in the Science and Engineering Faculty, QUT. He has had first hand experience with asset management while working for IT support at QUT.

He recently completed a PhD thesis on designing gamification for mobile applications and his current research efforts focus on exploring the intersection of mobile applications, gamification and user experience.

His key note address at AMPEAK will focus on how gamification can be used as a tool to motivate and change behaviour and therefore a way to promote and achieve effective asset management.

He recently developed and taught a Master’s subject on gamification and persuasive computing at QUT, and speaks and consults regularly on effective gamification design.

He publishes the popular Gamification Weekly newsletter and also runs an app development company called Eat More Pixels.