Author Title PPT
G Spink & J Kennedy Facilities Management and Asset Management  Is there a Difference? 2007p_003.pdf
R Lee Maintenance Requires a Tack Hammer.  Disaster Uses a Sledge Hammer.  It is Better to be Smart Before the Event than After it 2007p_004.pdf
AKS  Jardine Industry-Guided Research: Recent developments in Maintenance Optimization 2007p_005.pdf
SDJ Robertson Asset Management Tender compilation (how to do the deal / output focus) 2007p_009.pdf
NA.J Hastings A Competency Framework for Asset Management with PAS-55 2007p_010.pdf
S B Peterson A View of Maintenance Around the World 2007p_013.pdf
SJ Morris Developing Competency in Asset management –  the IAM Competency Requirements Framework 2007p_014.pdf
R Beebe Canada‘s Maintenance Management Professional Program 2007p_015.pdf

D Azavedo


W Ward

Intuitive Judgement Component in Asset Management Decisions

Risk Modelling for Pole Top Fire Mitigation 





K Skelton


F Thomas


Linking Risk Management to Asset Management at Powercor 

The Importance of ‘Human Deliberation’ in Causing Accidents

The Importance of ‘Human Deliberation’ in Causing Accidents






P Townson Reliability  The Journey at Blackwater Mine 2007p_022.pdf
G Winsor & S Buncombe Repair / Replace Decision Making Practices 2007p_025.pdf
L Cameron Earned Value at Bluescope Steel Western Port 2007p_028.pdf
L Cameron Resource Levelling at Bluescope Steel Western Port 2007p_029.pdf
H Howard Nuclear Power- Are Australians Being Allowed to Make a Risk Based Decision? 2007p_030.pdf
M Sondalini A Simple Spreadsheet Technique for Removing Future Operating Risk and Costs During Feasibility and Design 2007p_033.pdf
A McKay Establishing a Maintenance Culture that Provides Enhanced Employee Satisfaction and Productivity Through Job Design and Goal Setting 2007p_034.pdf

S Lawrence


R Turton

Maintenance Planning -The Glue that Binds Physical Asset Management

“Out of the Box” Implementation of Maximo

“Out of the Box” Implementation of Maximo




J Keramidopoulos & M Drew Availability Modelling – Australian Tsunami Warning System 2007p_037.pdf
M Jovetic & R Fuller Innovative Fault Reporting and Analysis System Guides Performance Improvement of the Melbourne Metropolitan Railway Infrastructure 2007p_038.pdf
F Ibrahimi & B Marshall Total Enterprise Asset Management Plan (Team-Plan) 2007p_040.pdf
RF Stapelberg Benchmarking Your Organisation’s Infrastructure / Industry Assets Management 2007p_042.pdf
D Vincent & P Harris Driving Maintenance Efficiency Through Process Benchmarking 2007p_043.pdf
N Phillips Avoiding Bureaucracy in a Maintenance Engineering Environment 2007p_045.pdf
J Matthews & S Young Presented by J Matthews and P Clarke Reliability-Centred Maintenance and HAZOP  Is Tthere a Need for Both? 2007p_054.pdf
J Sammons Operating and Maintaining a Warship 2007p_055.pdf
A Dean Development & Implementation of a Spares Strategy 2007p_056.pdf
F Bodi & C Moreno SD 1000 Reliability Platform – An Approach for Asset Management in the Telepower Industry 2007p_058.pdf
C Hazzard & L Allahmanli Quality Improvement of Maintenance Activities 2007p_059.pdf
A Stephan & J Trevelyan Accounting for Maintenance: Is there a Financial Gap? 2007p_063.pdf
MR Hodkiewicz Education in Engineering Asset Management 2007p_064.pdf
M Cloutier & J Davison Risky Business: The Impact of Risk Exposure Costs During the Asset Life Cycle 2007p_066.pdf
R Beebe Experiences in Pump Condition Monitoring by Performance Analysis 2007p_067.pdf

N Montgomery 

G Newman

Pulp Mill On-Site Implementation of CBM Decision Support Software 

A Model for Assessing Reliability Targets on Railway Signalling Systems



R Affan Using Neural Networks for Asset Failure Pattern Recognition 2007p_070.pdf
T Cao & B Francis Work Value Unit – An Approach to Estimate Army Maintenance Workforce Requirements 2007p_072.pdf
JPT Mo A System Methodology for Holistic Risk Assessment in Asset Management 2007p_073.pdf
S Badman The Holy Grail of Maintenance Planning: Integrating with Operations 2007p_074.pdf
S Berquist Who Moved the Goalposts? A Case Study of Misalignment Between the Asset Management Plan and the Business Environment 2007p_075.pdf
J Sikorska  L Hammond &  P Kelly Identifying Failure Modes Retrospectively using RCM Data 2007p_078.pdf
S Dunn Battling the Skills Shortage 2007p_084.pdf
RJ Turney Process Reliability and Reliability Growth – a case study 2007p_085.pdf