It is now clear that AMPEAK20 cannot proceed in its original advertised format due to current circumstances.  Our primary concern is for the health and safety of our members and stakeholders and the wider community.

We have worked with the venue and are able to transfer AMPEAK for 12 months until 18th to 21st April 2021.  AMPEAK21 will be held 18th to 21st April 2021 at Crown Promenade, Melbourne.

Delegates, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors are offered options of a transfer of registration to AMPEAK21 or a refund.  Here’s what to do if you would like a refund for AMPEAK20 or transfer to AMPEAK21:



Refunds will be available to registered delegates/sponsors prior to Friday 22 May 2020. Refunds will be subject to a $50.00 processing fee. 

To refund your registration, please follow the below steps carefully:

  1. Generate an invoice for cancelled registration made out to:

           Asset Management Council

           33a Chester Street (PO BOX 2004)

           Oakleigh VIC 3166

           Invoices must include the registered delegates full name.

           Invoice totals must be for the amount paid MINUS the $50.00 processing fee per delegate (e.g. early bird rate/member rate $1870 MINUS $50.00 – invoice total for refund $1820)

  1. Email and cc (please ensure you send to both addresses) stating you would like to cancel your registration and receive a refund, wih the invoice attached.
  2. All refunds will be made via bank transfers, please provide full bank details on your invoice.
  3. Refunds will be processed progressively as they are received, and you will receive a credit note once your refund has been processed.

Refund invoices must be received by close of business on Friday 22 May 2020.



All registrations will be automatically transferred to the 2021 conference unless a refund is requested. You don’t need to do anything further, revised confirmation letters will be sent out in the coming months.

Please note that all registration types that are “full registrations” will remain a full registration for 2021, regardless of the type booked (eg. speaker, member, non member). Day registration entitlements will remain the same.

Registrations will stay with the organisation under which the registration has been booked. A delegate name may be substituted if required, delegate details will be confirmed once registration reopens for the 2021 event.



We are currently working with the AMPEAK20 speakers to deliver a technical program reformatted into AMspeak and converted to our online platform.  Please watch out for this exciting event scheduled 20th, 21st, 22nd April 2020.    More details available at

Thankyou for your ongoing support of the Asset Management Council.  If you would like to discuss other options or your particular circumstances please give the AMCouncil office a call on 03 9819 2515 and speak with Kai, Heidi or Anne.