Unsung heroes! Assets of the Asset Management Council! Whatever the description, there is no doubt that Asset Management Council volunteers are leaders of industry, who volunteer their time to enrich the services and products of the Asset Management Council, for the benefit of the greater asset management community.

Findings from a recent 2014 Stakeholder Survey showed the importance of volunteers and clear evidence from the asset management community for continued access to good quality information. This has led to enhancing the volunteer structure and portfolio to further support the needs of the members and the asset management community.

Introducing ‘The Executive

Volunteering time, knowledge, experience, contacts and above all enthusiasm, it is the role of ‘The Executive’ to drive and promote transparency in decision making and sharing across the many facets which constitute the Asset Management Council. ‘The Executive’ has been responsible for the development of Asset Management Competency and Certification programs and provided increased engagement opportunities with the community.

Members of ‘The Executive’ work closely with, and support, the CEO in the development and achievement of the approved strategic plan, while providing independent assurance to the Board for their responsibilities. The Executive have wide remit which involves overseeing, supporting and mentoring groups engaged in work for the Asset Management Council. They collaborate with Chapters, the AMBoK team; specific project teams and a range of key individuals involved in delivering strategic objectives.

But what do volunteer Members of ‘The Executive’ get in return? It’s a question commonly asked. Members take on leadership roles, critical projects, oversee, mentor and put their credentials on the line on a regular basis for free. Why?

A meeting of minds with other industry leaders in a cooperative environment! Knowledge sharing and enhancement! Personal development! Enjoyment in the service and betterment of the Asset Management Community!

Meet ‘The Executive’

Kieran Skelton – Chapter Commissioner: Assures governance and directions of Chapters to provide a regional mechanism for interaction of members and stakeholders.

Andrew Morgan – Accreditation Commissioner: Ensures governance and performance of national and international certification programs and is an educator in accreditation and certification of assessors.

Peter Kohler – AMBoK Commissioner: Assures the technical integrity of the Asset Management Body of Knowledge (AMBoK) and all related materials.

Ernst Krauss – The Asset Journal Editor in Chief: Ensures ‘The Asset Journal’ reflects the vision and strategic directions of the Asset Management Council and remains relevant to the asset management community.

Greg Williams – AMPEAK Conference Chair: Ensures and oversees the delivery of AMPEAK Asset Management Conference.

Jim Kennedy – Sensei: Oversees professional development of volunteers and creates the common narrative for Asset Management Council volunteers.

Together they deliver the professionalism, knowledge and experience that enables the asset management community to continue to advance.

 For more information, or to volunteer with the Asset Management Council, please contact us at info@amcouncil.com.au

The Asset Management Council is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia and a leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the asset management community.

For further information, contact: Madeleine Berenyi, Communications Coordinator, Asset Management Council, Phone: (03) 9819 2515, Fax: (03) 9819 2516, Email: publications@amcouncil.com.au, URL: www.amcouncil.com.au