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Feature Articles

The Asset Management Council has moved

We have outgrown our current office and consequently, have moved to a larger and more centrally located premise.

Asset Management Council Strategies

The following strategies and brief descriptions have been identified by the Asset Management Council Board as key activities to support our goal and vision of ‘enabling benefits for all from effective use of assets’.

Call for Papers

Submit your paper to the Middle East Maintenance Conference and Exhibition.

Recipients of the 2010 Asset Management Awards

Increasing asset reliability and reducing operating costs to achieve business improvement was the recurring theme for participants throughout the 2010 Asset Management Awards process.

Congratulations to all the recipients of the 2010 Asset Management Council Awards!

Student Awards

The asset management industry’s future leaders were celebrated as recipients of the illustrious 2010 Asset Management Council Student Awards.

Safety, Risk & Asset Management Seminar

Upcoming Perth seminar exploring the relationship between Asset Management, Safety and Environmental requirements, by investigating the links between Risk Management and effective Asset Management.

Emerging ISO Asset Management Standard

Those registering for the ICOMS Asset Management Conference on the Monday had the opportunity to participate in a forum on the developing ISO Asset Management Standard.

Asset Management ISO Meeting – London June 2010

The ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) requested that the British Standards Institute (UK) organise a preliminary meeting for the proposed management standard on Asset Management and provide the TMB with a report and recommendations.