Over the Easter weekend, while many of us were at home, doing our bit to stave off the widespread effects of coronavirus, a massive project was completed. Six months ahead of schedule!
The Toorak Road Level Crossing, the intersection that has been the bane of commuters’ existence and travel plans for many years, has been removed, replaced by an efficient Sky Rail. While the project was already ahead of schedule, there is no doubt that the enforced shutdown has meant that construction can power ahead. Indeed, a nine-day blitz took place over the days before the Easter break.
The removal of the level crossing means that drivers in the area are no longer faced with lengthy delays. Boom gates on the Toorak Rd level crossing were down for thirty-five percent of the morning peak period, causing frustration to up to 37,000 commuters1.
The project is not completely over yet, however. Works are planned to improve pedestrian and cycling access, the planting of trees, shrubs, and grass, and landscaping to come over the next few weeks.
1 Sourced: https://levelcrossings.vic.gov.au/media/news/toorak-road-level-crossing-gone-for-good#