Please check the seminar presentations HERE.


Friday, November 27th 2009
2pm to 6.30pm
Registration from 1.30pm

Maintaining Government’s Buildings and Property Portfolio – the Opportunity for Life Cycle Costing Analysis

John Gartner, Assistant Director Portfolio Planning, BMA
The WA Government has a non residential building portfolio valued at $16 billion.

This presentation will demonstrate the methods for determining the amount government should be investing in its existing building portfolio. The life-cycle analysis of a number of building elements is also discussed to demonstrate that the current investment in maintenance by government for its building portfolio is not optimal.

Case Studies on Asset Life Cycle Cost Modelling

Johann Taylor, Principal Advisor Asset Management,
Rio Tinto Technology and Innovation

Effective life cycle cost management is a key component to support not only the economical justification of engineering projects, but also to manage the asset’s function through the life of the enterprise. Life cycle cost management requires a multi-disciplinary approach and the involvement of all stakeholders, including management, engineering, operations and accounting. Due to the significance and the reasonable complexity of these evaluations, effective planning and control has to be maintained to deliver quality results through a coordinated process. The use of various types of LCC models will be illustrated in the presentation with real business case studies.

Life Cycle Costing and Equipment Replacement

Diederik Lugtigheid, Project Manager Autonomous Haulage Systems, Rio Tinto Iron Ore
An overview of life cycle costing methods for mobile equipment fleets is discussed. Although accurate estimates of equipment operational and maintenance costs are important, the role of LCC in setting adequate equipment replacement policies will also be addressed. The presentation gives an overview of the process of building life cycle costing models, along with a synopsis of the replacement models that can be used to make the replacement decision. The emphasis therefore lies on the decision modelling aspect, which is an area that is crucial, yet has not been addressed in the maintenance and reliability literature with the level of detail it deserves.

AGM 2009 from 5pm to 5.30pm
Followed by Drinks until 6.30pm
Student $20, Member $40, Non-member $60 (plus GST)
Presented by the Asset Management Council
and Maintenance Engineering Society of Australia
Note: The seminar is credited to your annual continuing professional development (CPD) total.

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Location: Technology Park Function Centre, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley
Contact:  03 9830 4899