The Christmas or holiday period, where many organisations close down or at least slow down, is a great time to do asset maintenance. It is also a great time to think about your asset maintenance program.  

Did you know that between 18 to 30 per cent of every dollar spent on asset maintenance is wasted because of poor planning around maintenance programs?

Did you know that increasing maintenance frequency will not always increase asset reliability and profit?

Learn more about this important topic by downloading our second free e-book!

This e-book, called Myths of Asset Management – Maintenance Frequency focusses on the problem with over maintaining assets, which gets very little attention.

With only 2 weeks to go until Christmas, make sure you get up to speed on this topic and have a look at your holiday close-down maintenance program.

While you’re at it, have a think about rewarding yourself with an early Christmas present by registering to come along to AMPEAK16 conference in Adelaide next April, where you will be able to explore important asset management topics like this one.