Good news for new assets and the path to clean energy as TasNetworks names the Old Tioxide Site as the potential location for the Marinus Link. Once routes and plans are approved, it will effectively repurpose the disused buildings and other assets as well as create hundreds of jobs, boosting the region’s economy.

The Marinus Link is a proposed 1500 megawatt capacity underground and subsea electricity interconnector between Tasmania and Victoria1. Once delivered, the Marinus Link will provide low-cost, reliable and clean energy to Tasmanians and the nation through the National Electricity Market.

The proposed converter station in Heybridge, near Burnie, will connect to the Tasmanian HVAC transmission network. From Heybridge, the HDVC route will proceed north-east underground across the narrow strip of coastal land, to the deep water off the Tasmanian coast2 and will arrive in the Latrobe Valley in south-east Victoria.

Development of the converter station is expected to commence in 2023.

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1 Sourced: p.5

2 Sourced: p.18