Next CAMA Exam – February 2015

‘…An international effort… 44 volunteer asset management professionals from two continents…delivered 300+ questions…without one face-to-face meeting and hit their targets…This is a model for future technical developments within the Asset Management Council…’

Deryk Anderson – CAMA Exam Director

The fantastic outcome of the CAMA Exam has unequivocally confirmed the power of Asset Management Council Chapters and Member involvement, and global team unity!

Engagement by the Asset Management Council Technical Team with Chapters throughout Australia and New Zealand for their input – as well as PEMAC – secured 44 experienced and diverse asset management practitioners from the mining, utilities, Defence, aviation, infrastructure and consulting sectors; five teams delivered critical questions that now comprise the CAMA Exam. Questions showing diversity in exploration of the process of information extraction; diversification and depth of knowledge and understanding required to deliver appropriate responses and demonstrate capabilities.

This remarkable feat was made possible by passionate involvement and contributions from volunteers, and was managed through efficient use of technology; weekly teleconferences, email submissions and demanding question reviews. Each team was tasked with establishing key questions across 85 competencies from the GFMAM Competency Specification for an ISO 55001 Asset Management Auditor / Assessor. All questions underwent rigorous psychometric testing through to final selection by the Exam Director and SMRP experts.

Exam participation to-date shows 100 people having sat the CAMA Exam across Australia, Canada and Brazil. Globally acknowledged as a great step forward for the Asset Management Community, this successful launch shows Australia’s leadership in global asset management. CAMA is also recognised throughout France and the USA.

Compliance with the ‘Competency Specification for an ISO 55001 Asset Management Auditor and Assessor’; ensures that successful applicants have the minimum required asset management knowledge to be an ISO 55001 assessor. This requires compliance with the following, all of which are covered by the CAMA Exam:

  • ISO 55001: Asset management – Management systems – Requirements
  • ISO 17021-5: Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems – Part 5: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of asset management systems
  • ISO 19011: Guidelines for auditing management systems.

Through popular demand a third CAMA Exam will be offered in Australia in February 2015.

For more information and to register your interest contact:

For information on how to work on similar projects in the future:

The Asset Management Council is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia and a leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the asset management community.

For more information, or to arrange an interview with Asset Management Council CEO Sally Nugent, please contact Madeleine at or on +613 9819 2515