Geoff Cannon

Within the next five or more years Geoff Cannon expects to see MESA become a broader based professional society offering practical benefits in asset management at both a personal and corporate level.This will be spurred on by MESA’s growing national profile and the relationships it is establishing with industry partners. Geoff’s contribution to achieving this objective is as chairman of the Canberra chapter, responsible for fostering MESA initiatives within the Federal capital and surrounding areas.

Geoff is a Commander in the Royal Australian Navy Reserve and is currently serving as the Director of the Navy’s Combat Data Systems Centre in Fyshwick ACT. In his Navy capacity he is responsible for technical and administrative leadership and management of the CDSC facility which functions to provide engineering hardware and software support, training and specialist data communications for RAN Fleet units. He is also responsible for the control and management of commercial contracts providing hardware and software support services to the Navy.
A long time MESA member, Geoff joined the Society to become involved with engineering maintenance professionals outside the Navy. He subsequently stood for election as a councillor to make a greater contribution to the Canberra engineering community and MESA.

With the support of a dedicated committee Geoff has maintained MESA’s profile in Canberra through an ongoing program of activities within the region. He has also been involved ICOMS and in the IE Aust Canberra Division’s activities.