Ernst Krauss

Ernst KraussIt could easily be argued that Ernst Krauss has an all round perspective on the benefits of membership of MESA. After all, he has not only been a driving force in the Society’s West Australian chapter, fulfilling many roles and responsibilities, but his achievements on behalf of his employer have been recognised by his fellow professionals.

In 2001 he received an Australian Maintenance Engineering Excellence Award on behalf of Woodside Energy’s offshore operations, marking a milestone in his long career in maintenance and asset management generally and MESA specifically.

Ernst has more than 30 years experience in petrochemical, mining and general industries in instrumentation and electrical engineering, both in Australia and overseas. For 10 of those years he has been specifically involved in maintenance and reliability engineering.

“I joined MESA because I could see it as the professional representation of the maintenance and reliability community, as a vehicle for raising awareness of the profession including asset management activities and for engaging in activities related to the profession,” he says.

Perhaps it’s the resourcefulness for which people in the west are well known or simply his personal motivation but in more than 10 years Ernst has assumed many roles and responsibilities within MESA. These include having been appointed technical director and organising the very successful ICOMS03 in Perth.

Even when the pressure of business forced him to relinquish the position of technical director he chose to remain on the MESA council.

As a member of the WA chapter he engages in liaison with education and training providers, assists with organisation of technical events and is part of the steering committee charged with reorganising the Society.

Ernst is employed at Woodside Energy in Perth as team leader responsible for maintenance and reliability engineering. Woodside recognises the value of MESA membership for employees and is a strong supporter of MESA activities.

“MESA is becoming the leading professional organisation for all aspects of asset management. It is delivering greater value to up and coming professionals and is also attracting corporate members.”

The Society provides outstanding value to members by best practice forums, industry training programs, representation to government and authorities and assistance in education of future asset management professionals at all levels.