Andrew Spence

Having to operate at times as a one man band in the Illawarra, NSW, chapter, has not lessened Andrew Spence’s enthusiasm for MESA activities over more than 12 years.

Andrew is sinter plant operations manager at BlueScope Steel’s Port Kembla plant. He has been a member of MESA since 1994, valuing his membership because it allows him to network with maintenance professionals in addition to his company colleagues.

For the past four years he has single-handedly kept the Illawarra chapter going as its chairman, in addition to his other involvement as a national council member, an auditor for the Maintenance Engineering Excellence Awards and a member of the national technical committee and a referee of papers submitted for ICOMS.

In addition to the shared experience and learning that comes from networking, Andrew says the benefits of MESA membership include access to information about maintenance engineering that comes from attending conferences and seminars, hearing eminent speakers and access to research papers.

With the perspective of a long term involvement with MESA, Andrew believes the Society  will grow in size and build a broader range of services for members and that as such the value of membership with be enhanced.