Infrastructure Australia publically released their Australian Infrastructure Audit on 22 May 2015, and has opened feedback to the public, asking for professionals to comment on infrastructure solutions and ideas that should be considered a priority for the next 5 to 15 years. The deadline to submit your comments is August 14, and below is more information on The Audit.

The Audit provides the evidence base for the development of Infrastructure Australia’s Australian Infrastructure Plan (the Plan). The Plan will address the key challenges raised by the Audit and identify a range of investment and reform priorities to be implemented in the coming 15 years. Infrastructure Australia is now meeting federal, state and territory and local governments, as well as business, industry, peak bodies and the wider community, to brief them on the findings of the Audit and development of the Plan.

They are also seeking public submissions on how to solve the issues and challenges raised by the Audit. These submissions will be used by Infrastructure Australia to inform the development of the Plan. In particular, they would like submissions to address three key areas:

1. Key findings PDF: 188 KB  —the Audit makes 81 findings on a range of issues, and by sector. Infrastructure Australia would like to hear suggested solutions to the issues raised in the findings.

2. Key Challenges PDF: 667 KB —the Audit highlights 10 key challenges (page 8) that Australia will face in the near future. Infrastructure Australia would like to hear suggested solutions to the key challenges identified.

3. Infrastructure Australia would also like to know what infrastructure solutions should be seen as a priority for the next 5 to 15 years.

Infrastructure Australia welcomes public submissions at or Infrastructure Australia, GPO Box 5417 Sydney NSW 2001, by Friday 14 August 2015. Infrastructure Australia will submit the Plan to the Australian Government at the end of this year.

For more information, please follow this link.