Auckland Symposium (in person or online) – Getting the balance right – Incorporating resilience in Asset Management

This annual one-day New Zealand based technical symposium brings representatives from various industries together to share asset management experiences and challenges, and provides a forum for networking & information sharing.

This year’s theme is getting the balance right – incorporating resilience in asset management.

This will be a hybrid event, with options for those who can attend in person and those who would prefer to access the symposium virtually / online. The ‘in person’ symposium will be held at the Auckland University of Technology Conference Centre on Thursday 14 September 2023.

The cost in Australian dollars to attend either in person or online is: AMCouncil members $150, non-members $310, students $50.

Click here to register


On the agenda:

  • Balancing the needs of today and tomorrow – Geoff Cooper (General Manager – Strategy, Te Waihanga New Zealand Infrastructure Commission)
  • Unison’s experience through Cyclone Gabrielle – Mitch Graham (Fault Avoidance & Constraints Engineer, Unison)
  • Auckland University of Technology or Assets Under Trauma? – David Curry, AUT
  • GFMAM landscape and TC251 update – Martin Kerr and Adele Jones
  • Understanding asset condition at an airport – Stewart Symon (Asset Manager, Auckland Airport) and Raymond Sloot (Manager Engineering Services, Auckland Airport)
  • Critical Infrastructure Natural Hazards Resilience Research Overview – Professor Liam Wotherspoon (Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland)

Full topic and speaker details below.


Webinar – Unlocking untapped ESG value through Asset Optimisation

Climate change is real and with the recent IPCC report suggests that the earth is warming. To mitigate the effect, large number of organisations have committed to climate action to reduce their impact on the environment. One of the initiatives, ESG is at the forefront.

As a Reliability Engineer I thought, what can I do to make a difference? In this webinar we will explore the tools we have at our disposal and what can we do to make a change for the better.


Click here to register


About the speaker:

Akshay Athalye, Lead Asset Lifecycle Engineer, Babcock Australia & New Zealand

Akshay is a qualified Reliability and Asset Management Engineer. Although an accidental reliability engineer, he is an advocate for great Reliability practices. He is also the host of the podcast “Reliability – It Matters”. He has worked across a diverse range of industries from bottling cold beverages to digging copper, running trains and mammoth naval vessels.

Use of Generative AI in Australian Education System

The Australian Parliament called for submissions to its inquiry into generative AI in the Australian education system.  Details regarding the enquiry including its terms of reference are available here.

In response to the Terms of Reference, Engineers Australia prepared a submission in July 2023 which can be read here.  

Webinar – Data as an Asset – Mapping infrastructure management principles to datasets

Data is increasingly being recognized as a valuable commodity that supports an increasing variety of business functions. However, while it has become well recognized that good management of our ‘hard’ infrastructure benefits from the application of asset management principles, the concept of data (in all its many varieties) as an infrastructure asset to be managed is still developing.

In this webinar, we explore the nature of data as an infrastructure asset, and how traditional asset management concepts such as value, level-of-service and expected life can be adapted to this novel asset class. Additionally, we discuss the distinction between management of data storage (which can be considered tangible) from management of the underlying, intangible, data itself.


Click here to register


About the speakers:

Robert Radovanovic is an Adjunct Associate Professor with the Schulich School of Engineering at the University of Calgary. His specialization includes leveraging spatial data from sources such as laser scanners, unmanned aerial vehicles and embedded sensors to develop infrastructure asset inventories, monitor performance and assess risk resiliency. Robert is heavily involved in developing curriculum for students in the fundamentals of asset management, and how it ties into long-term sustainable outcomes for communities.

Tanya Hegmann is a recent graduate of the Masters of Engineering program at the University of Calgary and a registered Engineer-In-Training with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta. Her specialization is in the field of Geographic Information Systems, and she was an inaugural participant in the Asset Management for Sustainable Infrastructure course series developed at the University of Calgary. Her research work has focused in the application of asset management principles to datasets holdings, with a goal of improving the consistent valuation of an intangible asset class.

Melbourne – Progress Report on ISO Standards for Asset Management

Following it’s first face to face meeting since COVID 19 in Pennsylvania in May 2023, the ISO TC251 Committee is about to release 6 Draft (DIS) Standards, and is developing New Work Item Proposals (NWIP) for an additional 2 Standards and revision of ISO 55002:2018.

Tom Carpenter will provide a precis of the upcoming DIS Standards and highlight key aspects.

DIS Standards to be released in the near future:

  • ISO DIS 55000:2023 – Asset Management – Overview, Principles, and Terminology
  • ISO DIS 55001:2023 – Asset Management  – Asset Management Systems – Requirements
  • ISO DIS 55010:2023 – Asset management — Guidance on the alignment of financial and non-financial functions in asset management
  • ISO DIS 55011:2023 – Asset management – Guidance for development of public policy to enable asset management
  • ISO DIS 55012:2023 – Asset management – Guidelines for enhancing people involvement and competence
  • ISO DIS 55013:2023 – Asset management – Guidance on data for asset management

NWIP Projects:
Guideline for Asset Management Decision Making incorporating value and risk
Guideline for Sustainability
Revision/update of ISO 55002:2018

Click here to register


About the speaker:
Tom Carpenter, CEO, IQ-AM Pty Ltd

Tom Carpenter is an originating member of the TC251 Committee developing the ISO 5500# Standards. He is responsible for initial development of the Certification framework implemented by the WPiAM. He continues to deliver vocational post-graduate qualifications in Asset Management and assistance to organisation implementing Asset Management.

Tom is a recognised CFAM and a winner of the highest personal award from the AM Council – the MESA medal.


Sydney – Asset management and the electrification of assets

Australia is in the middle of an energy revolution.  Energy sources are shifting to renewables, from the bulk end of the supply chain to people’s home solar systems.  The needs of energy stakeholders, the technology available to Ausgrid and our customers and governmental policy settings also evolving rapidly as a result.  The presentation will discuss these changes and their implications, in the context of asset management during the electrification of assets.  Observations will be offered from the perspective of the Capability Delivery Model in terms of stakeholder needs, business objectives, systems engineering, acquisition, operations & maintenance, configuration management and continuous improvement.

Click here to register


About the speaker:
Matthew Webb, Head of Asset Investment, Ausgrid

Matt has over 30 years experience in managing all aspects of using power systems to meet customers’ electricity needs, including network planning, asset management, regulation and field management.

As Head of Asset Investment, Matt is responsible for Ausgrid’s long-term electricity network investment needs and opportunities in a rapidly changing operating environment.  This includes applying asset management and other techniques to:

  • Understand changing customer priorities and how Ausgrid will adapt services to meet customer needs and adoption of new technologies.
  • Transform network services through innovation and new capabilities needed to manage complex network power flows and deliver efficient renewables hosting capacity.
  • Unlock value of customer DER assets and load flexibility to achieve a reduced overall energy cost for customers and improved network utilisation.
  • Ready the network to enable the needs of our customers and stakeholders safely, efficiently and equitably, to facilitate a net zero future.

Matt is an Honorary Professorial Fellow at the University of Wollongong, as well as being Ausgrid’s senior representative and a member of the Research Advisory Committee (ReAC) to the RACE for 2030, a national industry led cooperative research centre.


New Maintenance Webinar Series on technology & remote monitoring

Safe and Smart – Use of Technology for Remote Monitoring of Assets, a 5-part weekly webinar series hosted by our Maintenance & Reliability in Asset Management SIG.

How do we remove people from dangerous conditions and situations and do our remote monitoring smarter? The Maintenance & Reliability in Asset Management special interest group presents this 5-part series where we look at different types of technologies that can be employed to reduce the risk to people and property.

Join us online and take the opportunity to look into techniques that are less familiar and can be adapted to your industry, or learn more about what others are doing within your own industry!
