Webinar – Enhancing asset condition assessment for potable water storages through the use of robotic technology

In recent years the use of robotic technology to clean and inspect potable water assets while they remain operational has progressed from a novelty to a full-scale commercial reality.  Technological advances in drones, underwater inspection ROVs and potable tank cleaning robots now make it viable to replace human entry for majority of water storage assets for both cleaning and maintenance tasks.

These advances in technology enable high quality inspection data to be generated during the cleaning cycles. As a result, the need to take assets offline reduces, leading to improved planning for maintenance tasks during planned asset outages.

This webinar will provide an overview of how Water Corporation plan for acquiring, storing, and analysing inspection data from both level 1 (online) and level 2 (offline) asset inspections.  The session will detail how the robotic technology employed works, how Water Corporation leverage it to make better informed asset condition decisions and what the future of this space looks like.


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About the speakers:

Michelle Ye, Senior Planner, In-Service Assets Regional, Water Corporation

Michelle Ye is the Senior planner- In Service Assets for the Water Corporation of Western Australia. With over 18 years of diversified industry exposure to Power and Water utilities in Australia, Product Safety Certification and Manufacturing in Singapore, her key experiences are as highlighted:

  • Asset Investment Planning
  • Asset Management Strategies
  • Project Management
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Program Management
  • Business Processes Improvements, and implementation
  • Power Networks Planning

Michelle is an Electrical Engineer (B. Eng Honours) with Post Graduate Diploma in Project management eligible for corporate memberships with The Institute of Engineers Australia, and Project Management Institute of Australia.

Anthony Old, CEO, Dredge Robotics

Antony Old is the CEO of Dredge Robotics (incorporating Watertight Robotics and Fremantle Commercial Diving) and has over 17 years’ experience in cleaning and inspecting potable water storages using traditional and robotic techniques.  Antony has been instrumental in developing the unique technology that Dredge Robotics provide and is a respected authority in this field.  Antony is a past chair of the Australian Water Association’s Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis Committee and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Aquatic Science.

This session forms the third in a webinar series presented by MRiAM – Safe and Smart: Use of Technology for Remote Monitoring of Assets.

How do we remove people from dangerous conditions and situations and do our remote monitoring smarter? The Maintenance & Reliability in Asset Management special interest group presents this 5-part series where we look at different types of technologies that can be employed to reduce the risk to people and property.

Join us online and take the opportunity to look into techniques that are less familiar and can be adapted to your industry, or learn more about what others are doing within your own industry!

Registering for this session will register you for all five sessions in the series:

Webinar – Safe and smart digital technology used to safeguard industrial assets and workers

This webinar will discuss emerging digital technologies and their role in mitigating risks to personnel in industrial settings. The primary focus is to explore how these technologies can be effectively deployed to enhance asset condition assessment while reducing risk to workers. Real-world examples will be discussed, addressing both the advantages and challenges associated with technology adoption. Our goal is to foster a safer working environment by harnessing the full potential of digital advancements in asset management.

Click here to register


About the speaker:

Don MacIassac, Senior Integrity Engineer, Shell

Don has fifteen years of extensive experience in industrial asset inspection, encompassing the power generation, oil and gas, and water treatment sectors. His passion for digital technology lies in its dual potential: to enhance the quality of inspections and eliminate worker exposure to hazardous conditions. He currently supports Shell QGC’s Midstream LNG operation in Gladstone.

This session forms the second in a webinar series presented by MRiAM – Safe and Smart: Use of Technology for Remote Monitoring of Assets.

How do we remove people from dangerous conditions and situations and do our remote monitoring smarter? The Maintenance & Reliability in Asset Management special interest group presents this 5-part series where we look at different types of technologies that can be employed to reduce the risk to people and property.

Join us online and take the opportunity to look into techniques that are less familiar and can be adapted to your industry, or learn more about what others are doing within your own industry!

Registering for this session will register you for all five sessions in the series:

Webinar – Application of Remote Condition Monitoring Technologies for Hydro Tasmania’s Civil Infrastructure

Application of Remote Condition Monitoring Technologies for Hydro Tasmania’s Civil Infrastructure. Civil infrastructure within portfolio includes water conveyance assets (canals & flumes, pipelines & penstocks, intakes & tunnels) and access & egress assets (roads, accessways, bridges).

Shelby Hughes presents an overview of some of the technology applications Hydro Tasmania are currently utilising for remote monitoring of their civil assets. Such technologies include ROVs for water conveyance assets such as intakes and the use of AI and Skydio drones for road & bridge data collection.

Click here to register


About the speaker:

Shelby Hughes, Manager Civil Portfolio, Assets and Infrastructure, Hydro Tasmania

Whilst working as a flood engineer in Cambodia, Shelby was involved in technical investigations that supported strategic decision-making of dams and irrigation assets. This experience led her to pursue a career in asset management, with Hydro Tasmania’s unique array of dams and water conveyance assets attracting her to the business and her current role. As Manager Civil Portfolio, Shelby leads a dedicated team of specialists in civil engineering (structural, hydraulics, geotechnical) and spatial technologies to manage the asset risks of Hydro Tasmania’s extensive portfolio of civil assets. Her team undertakes technical investigations and engineering inspections which have benefited from the application of remote condition monitoring.

This session forms the first in a webinar series presented by MRiAM – Safe and Smart: Use of Technology for Remote Monitoring of Assets.

How do we remove people from dangerous conditions and situations and do our remote monitoring smarter? The Maintenance & Reliability in Asset Management special interest group presents this 5-part series where we look at different types of technologies that can be employed to reduce the risk to people and property.

Join us online and take the opportunity to look into techniques that are less familiar and can be adapted to your industry, or learn more about what others are doing within your own industry!

Registering for this session will register you for all five sessions in the series:

  • 9 Aug | 12pm AEST: Application of remote condition monitoring technologies for Hydro Tasmania’s civil infrastructure
  • 15 Aug | 12pm AEST: Safe and smart digital technology used to safeguard industrial assets and workers
  • 22 Aug | 1pm AEST: Enhancing asset condition assessment for potable water storages through the use of robotic technology
  • 29 Aug | 12pm AEST: Perth water supply scheme remote performance monitoring
  • 5 Sep | 12pm AEST: Application of a diagnostic algorithm for performance monitoring of solar electric power generation assets

Perth – Digital Transformation and Sustainability: Pioneering a Net Zero Future in Transportation Management

Digital Work Management in Transportation (Anthony Dongegan, National Asset Manager; and Craig Symons, Asset & Systems Superintendent, QUBE Bulk)

The Qube Bulk Asset Management Team will present how they have transitioned their Maintenance Work Management processes from a locally managed, paper based system to a Digital tablet and Online solution within a National Transport organisation. Learnings to be shared on approach taken, integration of multiple platforms and benefits.

Climate Action: Establishing a Sustainable and Net Zero Future for Transport (Steve Beyer, Director Portfolio Strategic Projects Office, Government of WA, Department of Transport)

The Department of Transport is leading the development of the Transport Sector Emissions Reduction Strategy, as part of a suite of emissions reduction strategies for Western Australia’s economy. These are focussed on achieving the Government’s commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, and informing an interim 2035 target and initiatives to drive that change. The presentation will provide an overview of transport sector emissions, the pathways to 2035 for the different parts of transport, and key drivers for emissions reduction.

Click here to register


About the speakers:

Anthony Donegan, National Asset Manager, QUBE Bulk

Anthony Donegan is an experienced Asset Management Professional within the mining and haulage industry. He has a wide range of skills around whole of life asset management, commercial negotiations, system integration projects with strong leadership qualities. Anthony has held a variety of positions that has been responsible for large fleet maintenance, work management and an operational fleet monitoring department.

Anthony’s role as the National Asset Manager for Qube Bulk covers the key areas of Fleet Procurement and Design, Materials supplier management, Support Systems and processes, standardisation of Whole of Life Cycle Cost management whilst looking for improvement initiatives through systems or technology based solutions. He has worked across a Heavy Haul, Cranes and Fixed Plant asset base.

Craig Symons, Asset & Systems Superintendent, QUBE Bulk

Craig is an experienced asset management specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the mining industry.  He is skilled in budgeting, mining, minerals, continuous improvement, and plant maintenance.  He is a strong consulting professional with good communication skills across all levels of organisations.

In his current role, Craig is responsible for the promotion of work management practises through efficient solutions that optimise the time required by sites to complete the various activities. This is achieved through an understanding of system capability and defining the processes which site personnel can consistently work with or report through.

Steve Beyer, Director Portfolio Strategic Projects Office, Government of Western Australia, Department of Transport

Steve Beyer has worked in WA Government transport agencies for over 40 years. He leads the WA Transport Portfolio’s work on climate action, dealing with climate risk and adaptation, and emissions reduction for the Portfolio’s activities and for the wider transport sector.

Webinar – Rail and Bus Asset Management

Free webinar on determining the value realisation in a transport organisation from the team that brings the ‘Value and Benefits from Asset Management’ Webinar Series, an international web program series of asset management success stories. Tune in for presentations by David Kraft, Director Enterprise Asset Management, Metropolitan Transit Administration, New York; and James (Jim) Kennedy, Mechanical Engineer with post-graduate qualifications in Risk Management and in Maintenance Engineering and Management from Swinburne University in Melbourne.

The presentations will be followed by a discussion panel (David Kraft, Jim Kennedy, Mike Bordenaro, Peter Kohler and Sally Nugent) to answer your questions!

Click here to register


About the speakers:

David Kraft is the Director of Enterprise Asset Management at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York.  He is currently serving as a Director on the Institute of Asset Management USA Executive Committee and was previously a lead for the New York / New Jersey IAM Branch. David has an MBA from Loyola University, Chicago and has 25+ years of experience in process improvement, information management, and financial management in both private and public organizations including Linde Gas, Solvay, and The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.


James (Jim) Kennedy is a Mechanical Engineer with post-graduate qualifications in Risk Management and in Maintenance Engineering and Management from Swinburne University in Melbourne. He has over 45 years experience in maintenance and asset management in the aerospace, rail, power, water, and defense industries. For the last 25 years Jim has been directly involved in Asset Management activities, including 9 years as Technical Director Maintenance Engineering Society of Australia and 8 years as Chair and Board member of the Asset Management Council. Jim’s 25 years history with the Asset Management Council and its predecessors was recognized with his award of the MESA Medal.