Be part of the largest Asset Management Gathering in 2023

IPWEA International Asset Management Congress is to be held on the Gold Coast 14th and 15th June 2023 and is aimed to be the largest gathering of asset managers in the southern hemisphere this year showcasing world-leading asset management practice.  The program includes some incredible international speakers from US, Canada and New Zealand.  AMCouncil Board member, Nicola Daaboul, has been instrumental in developing the program which promises to provide fellowship, education, community, food, fun and recognition.   More details around the speakers, program and how to register available


Webinar – Career in Assets with Greg Evans

Please join us for the inaugural Career in Assets presentation session with Greg Evans. Greg Evans is a Technical Executive at WSP. Greg’s career began working in various roles with the NSW Roads Agency for 40 years. Greg will present about his lustrous and ongoing career, how he got his start in Asset Management, career learnings and provide meaningful career advice for young professionals in the asset management space.


Click here to register


About the speaker:

Greg Evans, Technical Executive, WSP

Greg is an experienced Senior Executive, with outstanding leadership capability gained in his various roles with the NSW Roads Agency over his 40 year career. As a Chartered Professional Civil Engineer, he has strong technical skills in road engineering and asset management, particularly in the areas of project management and delivery, road maintenance delivery and systems, pavement and materials engineering, pavement resurfacing and rehabilitation.

Greg’s passion for Work, Health and Safety saw him awarded the Public Service Medal (PSM) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017 ‘For outstanding public service, particularly through improvements to employee safety in the roads and maritime services in NSW.