We want to know what you, as a stakeholder of the Asset Management Council, think. We need to know how we can better serve you and the asset management community at large, as well as get your thoughts on the current state of the asset management profession.

This survey will take approximately 15 – 20 minutes to complete and closes 24 February 2023. As a thankyou for your time, you can choose to go into the draw to win a ticket to AMPEAK 2023 worth $2,120 and being held between 2-5 April in Sydney.

Any contact information requested in only collected for purposes of the prize draw. It will not go onto a formal database, and will not be used for any purpose other than the prize draw for this particular survey.

Members, check your email for your link to the survey. If you have not received it, please email us at publications@amcouncil.com.au and we will resend you the link.