Tanya Thumbnail for blogWhy do we keep solving the same problems more than once?  Traditionally problems are solved by an individual or a small team often overwhelmed by many daily problems meaning that time and attention is limited. 

Once problems are solved, the actions and solutions are typically shared with a small population with the expectation that they will be implemented.  What checks and balances are in place to ensure the correct solution?

Shell has taken a different approach to managing threats and opportunities to their assets by forming small focused teams, each dedicated to solving one threat at a time. 

The methodology developed within Shell used to solve problems is called Causal Learning.  Causal Learning differs from traditional methods of problem solving as it considers both behavioural and system causes and is based on the premise that the absence of something cannot be a cause of an effect.  The use of positive language makes it a powerful methodology that removes subjectivity. 

The approach applied also teaches, not tells, the organisation about the problem so that solutions are generated by a wider team and thus improves stakeholder engagement by making learning a deliberate step in performance improvement.

Check out the recording of this webinar which explores the power of collaboration and the use of a different methodology for solving problems.

To view the recording, visit AMCouncil TV and search for ‘Shell’!*

A PDF copy of the presentation is available for download here*

*Available to AMCouncil members only (to see our affordable membership options, visit here).

About the presenter: Tanya Viano has been a Reliability Engineer for Shell QGC for five years and currently leads the Enhanced Problem Solving Team, reviewing threats on well site equipment within an asset that operates and maintains a high volume of well stock. She has over 20 years experience in design, maintenance and reliability engineering, primarily in the oil and gas sector.