Effective asset management considers the life cycle of each organisational asset, from initial definition of need through operations to end-of-life disposal.

The Capability Delivery Model depicts a typical set of Asset Management processes for each asset and how they connect across the asset’s life. Asset managers guide the flow of processes to deliver

the asset’s desired value to the organisation.

While the Asset Management System Model shows the organisational components necessary for successful asset management, the Capability Delivery Model documents the system processes necessary over time to achieve each asset’s objectives.

The Capability Delivery Model processes are shown as six related and integrated disciplines:

  1. Demand Management
  2. Systems Engineering
  3. Configuration Management
  4. Acquisition
  5. Operations and Maintenance
  6. Continual Improvement

Each of these disciplines has several enabling principles and capability elements. These are supported by relevant standards, competency sets and units of competency.

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